Dear Christians, I’m very thankful and joyful that you have been brought into the faith through the blood of our Master and Lord Jesus Christ. I’m so thankful that you are the evidence (despite all the evil and demonic corruption in this world) to show that Jesus and the Father have already won-and that Jesus and our Father are in charge. What’s on my heart to ask of us all is two fold-
1. Remember your Master Jesus Christ and His commandments/teachings must have first place and preeminence in your life. If he doesn’t, make an appointment now to repent to him and ask him to release you from the bondage of his world’s distractions,temptations,busyness and entertainment. Our Father is willing and ready to forgive;very kind and gracious to all that come to Him. Serve Jesus, live for Jesus, bring all your problems to Jesus. Love like Jesus loves-enemies included. We will see our Jesus one day soon. 
2. My second request for us is this: remember Jesus’ promises towards us of the next life. Fully embrace the reality of eternal heaven. Don’t forget that there is a day coming of inexplicable joy beyond the terrible sufferings and temporary pleasures this world could ever offer. Because of Jesus’ self sacrifice for us, He has reduced death to simply a doorway into that paradise. Don’t forget our brethren of old who would look forward to the next life as fuel for hope and strength to endure the sufferings of this life. Learn to be excited about eternity with Jesus,His father, our family of believers and all the holy angels that worship and adore Him. Pain here won’t last forever. If you are truly in Jesus Christ, this life is the only hell you will ever get. But if you are outside of Jesus, know this is the only heaven you will ever experience.
Love you brothers and sisters!

Enjoy the faith Jesus purchased for us!

Enjoy the depths of our Dad’s kindness!

Love one another!